List of Receptors

Receptor Organism Cell type Mechanism of raft association Methods used to detect raft association Functional implication

Rat 1

VSMC 1; Cardiac myoblast H9C2 cells 1

Bound caveolin-3 1

Detergent-free 1



Rat 2

COS-7 cells 3, Cardiomyocytes 2, Cardiac fibroblastas 4; Neonatal myocytes 5

Bound caveolin-1 3

Detergent-free 4, 3

No functional implication observed upon agonist treatment or raft disruption 4, 5


Rat 2; Mouse 5

COS-7 cells 3, Cardiomyocytes 4; Cardiac fibroblastas 4; Neonatal myocytes 5; bronchial smooth muscle cells 6; HEK-293 6  

Bound caveolin-13

Detergent-free 4, 3, 6; Immunoblot analysis 6 

Agonist treatment leads to movement out of caveolae 4; Caveolae disruption by filipin or cyclodextrin increased cAMP accumulation and contraction rate 5' 4; The receptor colocalized with Adenylyl scyclase 6 (AC6) in lipid raft fractions 6.


Mouse 78

CHO-K1 78, Brown adipocytes 78

Putative caveolin binding domain 7

Caveolae disruption 78; In situ proximity assay  8

Filipin treatment alters accumulation of c-AMP 7; Filipin III treatment, caveolin-1 knockdown and caveolin-binding motif mutation of receptor promote pertussis toxin (PTX) sensivity of the receptor which indicating Gαi/0 coupling. It is suggested that receptor interaction with caveolin inhibits coupling to Gαi/0 proteins  8.   .

δ-opioid receptor

Rat 9; Mouse 10, 11

Ventricular myocytes 9; Neuroblastoma ×glioma NG108-15 hybrid cell 11, 10; CHO cells 10

Associates with caveolin-3 9

Detergent-free 9, 10; Immunprecipitation 9; Detergent-dependent fractionation 11

MβcCD treatment  attenuates cardiac protection from ischemic damage 9; Cav1 and cav3 expression attenuates N-type Ca2+ channels inhibition induced by receptor agonist 11; Agonist induced receptor movement out of lipid raft 10; MβCD treatment  attenuates receptor-mediatied signaling in neuronal cells but increased it non-neuronal cells 10

κ-opioid receptor

Human 12

Placenta 12; CHO cells 12


Detergent-free 12

MβCD treatment increased p42/44 MAPK phosphorylation 12

μ-opioid receptor

Rat 13, 14; Mouse 15

HEK-293 13, 14, 15


Detergent-free 13, 14; Confocal microscopy 14; Detergent-dependent 15

MβCD treatment  inhibited receptor internalization and adenylyl cyclase superactivation 13; Agonist etrophine induced receptor movement out of raft 14; MβCD treatment attenuated etrophine- and morphine-meidated adenyly cyclase inhibition and morphine-induced but not etrophine-induced ERK phosphorylation 14