μ-opioid receptor


Rat 1, 2; Mouse 3

Functional implication

MβCD treatment  inhibited receptor internalization and adenylyl cyclase superactivation 1; Agonist etrophine induced receptor movement out of raft 2; MβCD treatment attenuated etrophine- and morphine-meidated adenyly cyclase inhibition and morphine-induced but not etrophine-induced ERK phosphorylation 2

Methods used to detect raft association

Detergent-free 1, 2; Confocal microscopy 2; Detergent-dependent 3

Mechanism of raft association


Caveolin-binding motif

Yes 4

Cell type

HEK-293 1, 2, 3


Human 1, 2, 3

Receptor expression

Stable transfection 1, 2, 3
