Angiotensin II type 1 receptor


Rat1 2, Human3

Functional implication

Agonist stimulation leads to translocation to caveolae1 or non-caveolin lipid raft2 or has no effect on localization3, Caveolin-binding mutation reduces the plasma membrane expression, agonist-dependent internalization and phospholipase C production3, Microtubules are essential in translocating the AT1 receptor to caveolae4, Receptors movement into caveolae is necessary for ROS production, Rac1 activation, Sos-1 tyrosine phosphorylation, ROS-dependent Akt phosphorylation and VSMC hypertrophy5

Methods used to detect raft association

Detergent-free1,2, Detergent-dependent2, Electron microscopy3

Mechanism of raft association

Bound caveolin-11

Caveolin-binding motif


Cell type

VSMC1, 4, 5, BHK and HEK cells2, COS-7 cells3


Rat1, Hamster2, Human2, Monkey3

Receptor expression

Endogenous1, Transient transfection2, 3
